Saturday, September 13, 2008


I am so happy I taught myself to knit cables today so my knitting is progressing well I love to crochet but I thought that taking up knitting will be good as there are so many nice knitted things so I thought I would try cables today and I did it I think they are coming out quite well.
this is the beginning of a scarf I am making its called the Irish Hiking Scarf and it is a very easy pattern, the way things are going I am going to be able to make a bunch of these and take them over to the homeless shelter along with the hats that I make to help keep some of the homeless warm this winter
. I was given this talent and I am going to use it to help others.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My first post

OK here it is my first blog post. I have never had a blog before and well finally I have decided to start one. I guess this is were I can piss and moan about anything that ticks me off. I have not named my blog as that I can't think of what to call it because I am going to be posting about everything......hmmmmm well not everything but posting of things that I do and maybe post my pics. My Ox right now is sitting on my lap as I type this so it is getting hard to do so I will add more to this later and go give him some attention. As you can see he is so handsome.